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Nelson County, Virginia Area

Instructions for Posting Lost and Found Animals on this website

As a community service, Nelson County Humane Society/SPCA will post photos and information about lost and found animals here in an effort to help reunite animals with their owners.  To post an animal, please email slandon2153gmail.com. You will need to email her with the following information:

(1) animal description (breed, color, sex, size),
(2) your contact information (email and/or phone INCLUDING AREA CODE),
(3) location AND date animal was last seen/found INCLUDING TOWN/CITY, and
(4) a photo (if possible). 

If you are looking for your pet, please check back here OFTEN as LOST/FOUND animals are posted continually and as soon as possible after information is received by the webmaster.  Check the bottom of this page for tips on how to  find your lost dog. 

Do you have a Facebook Account?  
If so, you can post Lost/Found animals via "Lost/Found/Free Pets Nelson County, VA"

Petco Love Lost

HS/SPCA of Nelson County partners with Petco Love Lost to make reuniting lost pets easier and free using image recognition technology to search a national database. 

Click HERE to search now. 

Found - 12/14/22 (Afton, VA - Taylor Creek Road) - Female Walker hound. Please contact Michelle at 540-520-9237 if this is your dog.

LOST - 11/26/22 (Afton, VA - Craigs Store Road) - Dodie, a female, domestic short hair, black and white tuxedo cat with a tipped ear. Please contact Lauren if you have any information about Dodie at lauren_o@live.com or 540.836.5882.

Dodie's preview photo

LOST – 11/3/22 (Schuyler, VA) – Long-haired tortoiseshell calico cat named Chloe. She is an indoor-only cat and was accidentally let out. She could be trying to return to Crozet, VA. Please call Sarah at 434-401-0479.

LOST - 11/3/22 (Ennis Mountain Road, Afton, VA) - Our sweet Sonny went missing on the morning of 11/3 from our home on Ennis Mountain Road in Afton. He is an indoor/outdoor cat, and his family misses him terribly! He’s a light orange tabby with no collar or chip. He’s very friendly and small - 6 months old. Please text or call if you’ve seen him. Kristina - 434-282-6999.

LOST 9/17/22 - Afton, VA (Batesville Road) - Toast, 3-year-old, neutered male domestic short hair. Orange/Brown and White with very distinct marks and stripes. Very distinct rings on his tail. Maybe part Bengal. He was no wearing a collar and has no chip. Indoor/outdoor cat locked out at night by petsitter. Family is devastated and would like any information. Please contact John at 434-882-1006

FOUND 8/4/22 - Wingina, VA - 2 female puppies found at night in Nelson County  in a remote Wingina area. Both brown and black brindled body markings with white markings on chests, necks, and faces. Really hope these puppies belong to somebody who is looking for them. Please text Lisa at 540-383-9683.  

LOST 7/12/22 - Laurel Road, Faber, VA - Linus has been missing for 3 days. He is white with tiger/tabby stripes. He's neutered and microchipped (Lyndhurst Animal Shelter). He is 3 years old. 

Please call Desiree if you have any information about Linus at (540) 836-6086.

LOST 7/1/22, 2:30 p.m. - Hillsboro Lane in Crozet - Charlie escaped from his yard on July 1. He is a large hound mix (approx 55-60 lbs.) with a reddish-brown coat with white throat and chest. Wearing red collar w/tag.

Please call Anne at 434-284-1383 if you have any information about Charlie.


FOUND 4/12/22 - Howardsville Area - Young, unneutered, black and tan pitbull/hound mix. No collar. Very nice dog.

Please call for information: 434-995-8506

LOST 1/18/2022 - Greenwood Area - "Aero". Female, Jack Russell. 18 years old. Mostly white with two brown years and brown on face, although mostly gray now from age. She was last seen at approximately 7:20pm on Tuesday January 18th. She does not hear or see well. She was wearing a brown leather collar with her name and phone number (301-213-3678) embossed into leather. The only tag attached to collar is her rabies tag from vet. We live on Greenwood Station Rd. In Greenwood Va 22943. 
She was let out with our male Jack Russell and only a few minutes had passed when he came back and she did not. This is very unlike her. Typically she goes out, does her business right by the house and comes back. We immediately went out to search with no sign of her. It is possible that she made it to the road and someone picked her up. In that case I hope that someone finds it in their heart to return her to our family. 

Please call 301-213-3678 if you have any information about Aero.


Do Not Chase!

UPDATE 9/19/21 :  Libby escaped on 8/2/21 from River Ridge Lane, Afton—ran down the North Branch of the Rockfish River headed toward the South Branch. She is a 55 pound female Beagle mix, brown & tan with a white chest, wearing green collar & tag w/phone number (may have fallen off by now).  Not aggressive but likely scared & hungry.  Last seen crossing Greenfield Road (RT 635) in front of Heartwood Design.  Prior to that seen on Truslows Lane in Nellysford. A tracking dog recently scented she might be headed down RT 635 toward Batesville now.  If you see her, gently lure her with food you put on the ground AND then immediately call Phyllis. 

Phyllis’s cell      434-996-2676

PLEASE be on the LOOKOUT FOR HER & CALL US with the EXACT LOCATION, DATE AND TIME that you saw her.  We will do our best to come right over and get our sweet girl.

Phyllis’s cell        434-996-2676
John’s cell          434-996-3475 


LOST MAY 29, 2021 - SCOTTSVILLE FOOD LION AREA --My name is Robert Gillette.  My dog Gage is a 3 yr old English bulldog tan and white. He has a skin allergy on his left and right side and he has no tail. He’s been missing from around the Scottsville area Food Lion since Saturday night May 29. He has a red service dog vest on with id.  He also has a green collar with ID and is microchipped. My phone number is 703 297-6627 and my address is 12090 S Constitution Rte Scottsville, VA. My email is demmey58@yahoo.com .  He is posted on several lost and found accounts in the area.




29 Stagebridge Road •  Lovingston, VA 22949  •  (434) 263-7722 •  pets [ at ] nelsonspca.org