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Legal Name:  Humane Society, SPCA of Nelson County

Tax ID #:      54-1266821

Some of the following options offer significant tax benefits.  You should consult with your financial and estate advisors before committing to any bequest.

Will or Revocable Trust

Examples of ways to make a bequest through your will or revocable trust:

Specific Bequest - Your will or revocable trust may designate Almost Home as the beneficiary of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate/trust or your entire estate/trust.  

Residuary Bequest – Your will or revocable trust may designate Almost Home as the residual beneficiary of your estate/trust.  This means that after all of the other bequests have been made and all administration is complete, the residuary (remainder) of your estate/trust passes to Almost Home.

Contingent Bequest – Your will or revocable trust may designate Almost Home as a contingent beneficiary of your estate/trust.  Should your named beneficiaries not survive you, your estate/trust passes to Almost Home.   

These bequests may be unrestricted, or designated for the benefit of a specific program such as the Help to Heal Fund or the Spay/Neuter Program. 

Charitable Trust

A charitable trust is a separately invested irrevocable trust established for charitable purposes.    

Charitable Lead Trust – A charitable lead trust pays the current income from the trust to Almost Home for a specific period of years, with your named beneficiaries receiving the remaining balance of the trust upon termination.      

Charitable Remainder Trust – A charitable remainder trust pays the current income from the trust to your named beneficiaries for a specific number of years, with Almost Home receiving the remaining balance of the trust upon termination.    

Pet Trust

Virginia Code Section 64.2-726 permits a trust to be created for the care of your pet(s) during your lifetime.  A pet trust is very similar to a “human” trust in that it is a legally sanctioned arrangement providing for the care and maintenance of your pet(s) in the event of your disability or death.  Almost Home may be designated as the residuary beneficiary of your pet trust. 

PERM 2018 Estate Planning

For additional information, read ESTATE PLANNING FOR PETS – THE BASICS.   Click here to view word format! or Click here to view PDF format!

Unused Retirement Plans

You may designate Almost Home as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), pension or other tax deferred plan.  This type of planned giving may be accomplished by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your plan custodian.

Life Insurance

You may name Almost Home as a primary life insurance beneficiary or as a contingent beneficiary should your other named beneficiaries not survive you.  After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to Almost Home.  This type of planned giving may be accomplished by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your insurance carrier.



29 Stagebridge Road •  Lovingston, VA 22949  •  (434) 263-7722 •  pets [ at ] nelsonspca.org